Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sagittarius with background!

ta da! Work in Progress! :) Here she is, with her background! :) So, to explain, the tree is an Elder tree, the whispy things behind her are asparagus, the plants behind the tree at the base are soybean plants, and the pile of nuts in front of the base of the tree are chestnuts. These are all plants associated with Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign and the colours associated with it are denim blue, beige, and bronze. Next the painting - and I do see her with coppery brown/red hair! :)


  1. YAY!! I have been waiting for this one! Love the archer girl :)

  2. For all the Winter babies :) Turns out I have a lot of Sagittarius friends and I had no idea! lol!
